Friday, October 28, 2011

Break-out the party hats and promiscuity . . . .

It's no secret to anyone in America that it is time for Halloween. So, I'd like to shed some light onto a very dark night.

Halloween is different for every age group. For young children, it is a night to dress-up and eat lots of candy. For middle-schoolers, it's an "uncool" holiday to ignore and pretend like it doesn't exist. For high schoolers, it's an attempt to dress "cool" and attend a party that somebody might "sneak some beer into." For parents, it's a night to spend dishing-out overpriced candy to under-appreciative children.

And, then, there are the college students.

It seems to me that college students take any opportunity to drink; Halloween may be the holy grail of drinking and promiscuity. Students across the nation dress in extremely inappropriate outfits, drink excessively, and enjoy their weekend of false identity. While some students may display low levels of wit and humor by displaying a unique costume, most just see what they can make out of the clothes they already have. Because in their mind, nobody will notice their costume after a few beers anyway.

So a word of caution, fellow collegiates: just because you're in costume doesn't mean you're somebody else. Give your decisions a second thought and this weekend will inevitably turn out a bit better than expected. Also? Cover your ass - nobody wants to see that.

Pumpkins are your friends.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Don't Drink & Divulge

It would be oh-so-easy to simply say, "I told you so." Because, well, I did.

It was no secret to my campus community that this homecoming weekend was bound to be full of inebriated idiots making poor decisions. Unfortunately, I became one of those raging dumb asses who decided to partake. So, let me make my advice for the future very clear: Don't drink and divulge.

Now, you may be wondering what I mean by divulge. Too much of any thing can be a bad thing, dear reader; so, when your worst friend, Jose Cuervo, tries to convince you to do something that your other-sober-self wouldn't do, don't divulge. You'll just awake from your drunken coma to a whirlwind of regret (and maybe a few bruises).

Friday, October 21, 2011

Homecoming Extraordinaire. . . .

And as October slowly begins to wind down, another fall homecoming is brought to our beautiful seaside campus. As seniors campaign for the crown, we athletes prep for home competitions amidst the falling leaves and brisk weather.

And the rest of the campus? They're binge-drinking.

Oh, yes, dear reader. College homecomings seem to be just another excuse to get inebriated beyond belief and make compromising decisions. Screaming lax bros will romp around in pinnies, announcing to everyone and their mother that they are, in fact, in "COLLEGE!!!!" Successful teams will host rowdy, sweaty parties in tiny, insufficient apartments; underclassmen students will flock to the upperclassmen dorms in hopes of squirming their way into a party. After all, that's the "cool" thing to do.

I can't help but wonder, and hope, whether or not their is a contingency of students that are spending this weekend with their parents, enjoying all that our idyllic location has to offer. This could be a weekend to celebrate the fall and the midpoint of the semester; it concerns me that so many people find it to be a requirement to drink. . . . can't we be social, scholarly, and mature? Just for a moment?

Wish me luck, friends, as I venture into a weekend of sports games, concerned parents, alcoholic drinks, and beautiful weather. Here's to what my generation has stereotyped as the "college experience."

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Morning Monday Madness

It's coming. You can't avoid it. No matter how far you run or where you go, Monday will find you. And as I begin writing this blog 9 minutes before the next Monday enters my life, I can't help but wonder why Mondays have such a stifling stigma. Why can't we celebrate the week? Has our entire society found themselves in weekly patterns they dread? Aren't we supposed to ENJOY what we do?

I hope you've all enjoyed your weekend. Aside from winning a free cruise to the Bahamas, my weekend was pretty boring. Quite frankly, that's the way (uh-huh, uh-huh) I like it.

Here's to Monday!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

One Hectic Fall Semester

Hello again, dear reader! I apologize for my lengthy absence. It turns out that junior year of college is just as hectic, if not more so, than junior year of high school. Between 6 classes (two of which are graduate level), a job, an internship, the honors program, varsity Equestrian Team, a capella, and running the student ambassadors, I'm wholly exhausted.

Low and behold, my body didn't take well to my newfound exhaustion. I've spent the past week virtually bedridden with an unidentifiable infection. My throat swelled to the point of deep concern and my head felt as though a herd of rhinos was constantly running over it. It was a sickness unlike any I've ever experienced. Thankfully, it has since ceased.

So, what else has been exciting? Well, the equestrian season is in full swing. Last weekend, I was oh-so-unsuccessful in my fences class; however, here's to hoping that this weekend will prove fruitful. The rest of the team - all 26 of them - is extremely nice and supportive. We all have as much fun as possible while shivering in our boots ringside at day-long collegiate horse shows.

You may be wondering how my roommate situation is progressing. 5 girls. 1 room. Oh-so-many stories. Though we've inevitably had our drama, we get along really well for the most part and always have a blast. Some mornings I wake-up to a roommate singing in the shower or another roommate baking an apple pie. Suffice to say that something new and exciting is always happening in Room ***.

I hope you're all enjoying the lovely, though highly unpredictable, fall weather. I'll do my very best to begin blogging more frequently. Granted, this is assuming that midterms don't kill me this week. . . .no guarantees, folks.